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Invest in your smile you wear it every day!

The main asset behind a smile is a healthy set of teeth. This is why investing in your smile, and mainly your teeth, leads to a profitable outcome – a boost in confidence and good health. Achieving healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care.
It’s crucial to take the right steps every day to take care of them and prevent problems. This involves getting the right oral care products, as well as being mindful of your daily habits.

1. Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth.

When you eat during the day, millions of bacteria inside your mouth feast
with you. Just like you have to excrete waste from time to time, so do the
bacteria in your mouth. The waste product from these microorganisms is
highly acidic. It breaks down the enamel of your teeth, leading to tooth
decay, cavities, and gum disease.
When you go right to bed without brushing, the plaque in your mouth begins
to harden. Once plaque hardens, it becomes tartar and is not removed by
simple brushing. The only way to get tartar off your teeth is by going to the
dentist for a professional teeth cleaning.
Failing to brush your teeth at the end of the day gives the bad bacteria in
your mouth many hours to feast on the debris and release acids that cause
tooth decay and gum disease.

2. Brush properly

The way you clean your teeth is also equally important. In fact doing it
improperly is almost as bad as not brushing the teeth at all. Plaque if not

removed can harden, which in turn will lead to calculus build-up. You
should spend some time brushing your teeth in gentle circular motions.

3. Don’t neglect your tongue

If not cleaned regularly, tongue can harbour bacteria’s which in turn leads to
bad mouth odour. By scraping or brushing your tongue, you will remove the
layers of bacteria that cause stinky breath.

4. Select the right toothpaste

Fluoride is the most important ingredient to look for when selecting a
toothpaste. It helps strengthen the weak areas of the tooth and exposed roots.
It is a natural mineral that assists to prevent tooth decay. Therefore, using
fluoride toothpaste can reduce the risk of tooth decay and enhance the
strength of the teeth.

5. Treat flossing as important as brushing

You should develop a habit of flossing at least once a day. It not only
removes food lodged in between the teeth but also stimulates the gums,
reduces plaque & lowers the chances of inflammation in the interdental

6. Make mouthwash a integral part of your dental hygiene routine

Mouthwash reduces the amount of acid in the mouth, cleans hard to brush
areas in an around the gums & most importantly helps in remineralization of
the teeth.

7. Watch what you eat

It fresh fruits & green vegetables which are fibrous. These harder to chew
foods have cleansing action on the teeth.

Limit intake of sugary & acidic foods. They erode the enamel of your teeth
which in turn leads to cavities. Tea & coffee can even stain your teeth.

Your everyday habits are very important for your overall oral health. Even after religiously developing the above said habit you  need to visit your dentist regularly. Not only can your dentist remove calculus & look for cavities, but they will also be able to spot potential issues & offer treatment solutions.


How To Choose a Right Toothbrush?

There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to purchasing a toothbrush, which makes it difficult to know what to look for. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about tooth brush.

Shape of the brush head: Choose a toothbrush with a small brush head design so that it helps you to get to the hard-to-reach places of your mouth.

Hard/soft bristles: Your toothbrush should have soft bristles that are gentle on your teeth and gums.

Angled/Straight bristles: Multi-angled bristles are designed in such a way so as to increase contact with tooth surfaces between teeth, lifting out plaque even from tough spots.

Handle design: Use a toothbrush which has non-slip grips which make them easy to use even if wet. The grip is one of the most important parts of the toothbrush. The Grip prevents accidental slippage of the toothbrush when wet which can lead to injury of the oral soft tissues.

Manual/Electric: Manual/Electric both are effective for brushing. Choose what feels comfortable and makes you want to brush your teeth regularly. However, an electric toothbrush can be a great alternative to a manual toothbrush, especially for children, people with disabilities, older adults, and people who have arthritis or other conditions that make it difficult to brush well. Whether you choose an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush, remember that what’s most important is daily brushing and flossing.

You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes at a time. Flossing is just as important when it comes to removing debris, food particles and plaque from between the teeth.

How To Choose a Right Toothbrush?

It is advised that you change your toothbrush about every 3 months/if the bristles become worn out before that.

Worn-out bristles tend to be more abrasive on your gums, which can lead to premature gum recession and inflammation in your gums.

If you take a look at your toothbrush every time you use it, you’ll notice when it begins to deteriorate. Keep your eye on the bristles. They should be soft but springy and resilient. They must be sturdy enough to sweep away food particles and plaque. Once the bristles stop bouncing back to their original shape, its time to discard the brush. If the bristles are no longer straight and stiff, change the toothbrush.

It is advised that you change your toothbrush if you are sick.

How to store your toothbrush?

You should rinse the toothbrush thoroughly after each use. Store toothbrush in an upright position after use and allow them to air dry. Storing a toothbrush in a closed container can cause bacteria to build up, so it’s best to let the bristles of the toothbrush fully dry between each usage.

Never keep all your toothbrushes together with their heads touching each other. This just leads to a wider spread of bacteria.


Among the most popular dental aesthetic procedures is teeth whitening. There is
a lot of misinformation about the best ways to whiten teeth and probably some
interesting facts about it you might not know. When it comes to teeth whitening,
every patient has different whitening needs and goals. You might be looking to
address discoloration caused by your diet, while others are looking for that
bright, sparkling smile. In this article, we will cover both, so you can make an
informed decision about the treatment should you decide to try in-office


Teeth whitening will damage your enamel
Teeth whitening treatments are absolutely safe and do not harm the tooth
enamel unless the wrong proportions are used during the treatment. Teeth
whitening is a form of dentistry and should only be performed by a dentist,
dental hygienist or dental therapist.


Teeth Whitening Makes Your Teeth Too Sensitive
One of the side effects of teeth whitening is increased sensitivity, but that is not
permanent. The whitening solutions will also probably cause some irritation to
your gums, and that is also temporary.


Teeth Whitening Works for Everyone
It’s important to realize results will differ from person to person, some teeth
respond better than others, and some people naturally have whiter teeth to start
with. The cause of discoloration plays a huge role in determining if teeth
whitening will work for you or not. If the discoloration is caused by medication
or trauma, the possibility that they won’t whiten is very high. Also, brownish
teeth rarely whiten. Yellowish teeth respond to teeth whitening very well. Talk
to your dentist, and he will help you choose the right method for you if
whitening fails.


Dental Crowns and Veneers Cannot Be Whitened
Teeth whitening only responds to natural teeth. Materials used to manufacture
the veneers and crowns barely respond to whitening products. If you have
Dental crowns or Dental veneers, consider that before going for whitening, not
to end up with a mismatched set of teeth.


Teeth Have Pores. The reason why natural teeth respond to whitening and artificial ones don’t is
because natural teeth have pores that absorb the whitening solutions. The pores
are the reason why teeth get stained.


Results are FOREVER!
As the saying goes nothing lasts forever, and this also applies to teeth
whitening. How long it lasts will depend on your oral hygiene, your diet, and
whether you smoke or not.

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